Narrative Theory
In this post i will be discussing how the film Lord of the Rings (fellowship of the ring) follows certain narrative theories. Lord of the Rings is a fantasy film depicting the war for middle-earth and the ring, it follows the fellowship as they quest to destroy the ring.
The film is a mix of Levi-Strauss's theory, and Propp's. Levi believed that the narrative is pushed by the use of binary oppositions and that is true for the Lord of the Rings. Frodo has many binary oppositions the main one being within himself, and his will power to fight against the ring, the men of middle earth are facing the orcs, Gandalf is facing Sarouman all these are used to further the narrative and the story and without them there would be no film. another interesting thing about Frodo's binary opposition with the ring is that we have seen it before, with Smeagul and Boromir, so the suspense is all the more real. The main binary opposition is still the age old idea of good vs evil. Another intresting binary opposistion, and this also fits into Barthes theory on an enigma code, is the opposition that Gandalf has with Sarouman, both are wizards and were friemds. We do not realise that sarouman has turned bad till he attacks Gandalf and this comes as a suprise, other than that we do not see many twists or engima codes as everything in this film is introduced as it is with nothing to hide. I beleive this works against the film (but thats just my opinion).In each of these characters Bormir and Smeagul we can see what happens when you give in to the temptation of the ring and when you dont. In Boromir's case he didn's and he died a noble death for it, in Smeaguls case he gave into the temptation and also becomes the false hero which follows Propps theory of the seven spheres of action.
The lord of the rings follows Propps theory because the characters follow closely his seven spheres;
Villian; Saroun
Princess; This is a good one, I believe the 'princess' is the land and the war its self, the people of the land.
False hero; Smeagol
Dispacher; Elron (the elf).
Many other characters fit in the differnt catogories but there are to many to list. This works well with Tordov's theory of the five narrative stages. The beggining being peace in the Shire. The distruption being the Ring. The middle being Frodo's quest. The resolution being the final battle and the destruction of the ring and the ending being peace, restoring everything back to the way it was.
So the use of Tordov's, Propp's and Levi-Strauss's theories is what pushes this narrative forward and makes it so intresting, its lack of enigma codes may also work for this because what this film shows is simple; Good vs Evil, Greed vs Will, Love vs Hate and the tests of friendship and it is as simple as that.